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Image about Special impact: making a bee hotel

Special impact: making a bee hotel

Once 路 0 to 1 hours NLvoorelkaar

Are you aware of the distinction between honey bees and wild bees? Honey bees reside in hives tended by beekeepers and produce honey...

Image about Nursing home hostess

Nursing home hostess

Weekly 路 1 to 3 hours Woonzorgcentrum Groenelaan

We are looking for you! Do you like to have coffee, tea and/or a chat with a resident(s) then we are looking for you! Of course yo...

Image about Looking for a music buddy
Keizer Karelpark

Looking for a music buddy

Once or weekly 路 1 to 1 hours Kelly

Hi All, My daughter C has a great passion for music, and it seems she has a lot of talent. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to do...

Image about Walking or babysitting a dog
Bankras, Kostverloren

Walking or babysitting a dog

Once 路 1 to 3 hours Maryam

Dear reader, I have a 3.5 year old poodle. I usually work from home, but unfortunately not on Tuesdays, which means he has to stay...

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Image about Volunteers PCHelp and Learning at Home
Keizer Karelpark

Volunteers PCHelp and Learning at Home

Weekly 路 1 to 6 hours SeniorWeb

Description: As a PCHelp at Home volunteer, you can help SeniorWeb members at home with computer, tablet or smartphone problems by a...

Image about Coffee Nice cup of coffee!
Groenelaan, Nes aan de Amstel

Coffee Nice cup of coffee!

Weekly 路 1 to 4 hours Amstelring Dagbesteding Groenelaan

Many cups of coffee and tea are drunk at our cozy Daycare for the elderly (Groenelaan). You could make an important contribution to...

Image about Bookworm buddy wanted
Keizer Karelpark

Bookworm buddy wanted

Project 路 monthly 2 to 4 hours Roads Maatjesproject

We are looking for a female buddy for a woman of around sixty years old from Amstelveen. The woman would like to be paired with so...

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Image about Help during spring or May holidays!

Help during spring or May holidays!

Monthly 路 1 to 2 hours Amstelring Dagbesteding Groenelaan

At day care Groenelaan we do all kinds of activities, if you like to come and help during your school vacation, we are very happy wi...

Image about Woman (70+) wants a female walking buddy
Bankras, Kostverloren

Woman (70+) wants a female walking buddy

Project 路 weekly 1 to 2 hours Roads Maatjesproject

For a woman over the age of seventy, we are looking for a female companion aged sixty or older who would enjoy walking with her for...

Image about Looking for an English or Spanish buddy for Aquafit
Bovenkerk - Westwijk Noord

Looking for an English or Spanish buddy for Aquafit

Project 路 weekly 1 to 2 hours Roads Maatjesproject

For a 72-year-old woman, we are looking for an English- or Spanish-speaking buddy who wants to go aquafit with her at the De Meerkam...

Image about Who comes to visit this woman at home?
Waardhuizen, Middenhoven

Who comes to visit this woman at home?

Project 路 weekly 1 to 2 hours Roads Maatjesproject

We are looking for a buddy (f) for a 44-year-old woman from Amstelveen to come visit her at home. The woman was involved in an accid...

Image about Will you be our new conversation leader?
Amsterdamse Bos

Will you be our new conversation leader?

Monthly 路 4 to 6 hours Depressie Vereniging

The Depression Association brings together people who have experienced depression (or more). We also call this ‘fellow sufferers’. W...

Image about Who will help this woman out?
Bovenkerk - Westwijk Noord, Keizer Karelpark, Stadshart, Waardhuizen, Middenhoven

Who will help this woman out?

Project 路 weekly 1 to 2 hours Roads Maatjesproject

We are looking for a buddy for a friendly 44-year-old woman. The woman has had an anxiety disorder for years, which means she spends...

Image about National Cleanup Day: March 22, 2025

National Cleanup Day: March 22, 2025

22-03-2025 路 1 to 8 hours NLvoorelkaar

Are you also fed up with dirty streets? And do you like to start spring clean? Then put the National Cleanup Day in your agenda and...

Image about Art Auction Assistance

Art Auction Assistance

05-04-2025 路 5 to 6 hours Marga

I am from Reggae BEATZ CHARITY Foundation. We are committed to underprivileged children in Ghana. We do this through music projects....

Image about Do you also like cooking and/or nature?
Keizer Karelpark

Do you also like cooking and/or nature?

Project 路 1 to 2 hours in total Roads Maatjesproject

We are looking for a buddy for a man over sixty from Amstelveen with whom he can cook (vegetarian). He also thinks it would be fun t...

Image about Woman cheerfully wishes buddy for outings
Bovenkerk - Westwijk Noord, Keizer Karelpark

Woman cheerfully wishes buddy for outings

Project 路 weekly 1 to 2 hours Roads Maatjesproject

We are looking for a buddy for a sixty-three year old woman from Amstelveen. The woman always did a lot together with her mother. Si...

Image about Man in his late sixties wants to go out
Keizer Karelpark

Man in his late sixties wants to go out

Project 路 monthly 2 to 4 hours Roads Maatjesproject

We are looking for a buddy for a man in his late sixties. The buddy may speak English. The man's network currently consists of peopl...

Image about Lonely man wishes buddy for a chat
Bovenkerk - Westwijk Noord, Randwijck, Stadshart, Waardhuizen, Middenhoven

Lonely man wishes buddy for a chat

Project 路 monthly 2 to 4 hours Roads Maatjesproject

The man (67) has a small social network. He has some contact with a few neighbors. Contact with his children is at a distance. His...

Image about Who wants to teach this man how to play guitar?
Bankras, Kostverloren, Bovenkerk - Westwijk Noord, Groenelaan

Who wants to teach this man how to play guitar?

Project 路 weekly 1 to 2 hours Roads Maatjesproject

We are looking for a buddy for a man of fifty plus who can play the guitar and who enjoys teaching him the basics of playing the gui...

Image about LIBRARY STAFF (volunteer)

LIBRARY STAFF (volunteer)

Weekly 路 0 to 8 hours Museum Cobra

Museum Cobra focuses on the art and ideas of the Cobra movement. Cobra is part of the canon of art history, but the ‘spirit’ of Cobr...

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